Dan Bartlett Engineering LLC

Support for Your Business
Excel Resources
It doesn't matter the type of work you do, you need a partner committed to your success. I can provide support for your business to allow you to focus on what you do best.
Whether you use it for process and data analysis or just plain data entry, Microsoft Excel is the standard for spreadsheets.  Learn more about how to make Excel work for you.
Small Business Resources
DBE provides services to small businesses that may not otherwise have the resources available to tackle complex tasks.
Get in Touch With DBE
Take a look at some of Dan's projects.
Print and Kindle Versions Available Now on Amazon!  
The 8 Things You (and Everyone in Your Office) Should Be Able to Do with Microsoft Excel® 

Dan published the only widely available reference guide specifically for the Principles and Practices of Engineering industrial exam.  Find out more here, or buy it on Amazon.